How To Improve Your BER Rating (Building Energy Rating)

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One of the first things you need to do when selling your home is apply for a Building Energy Rating (BER) Certificate. An A-rated home is going to attract buyers, and ensure you get offers as close to your asking price as possible. It’s up to you to get the best rating possible in order to maximise your home’s potential selling price 

So What is a BER Rating?

This certificate “rates your home’s energy performance on a scale between A and G. A-rated homes are the most energy efficient while G-rated are the least energy efficient.” 

So how do you achieve a higher rating? Follow these steps to improve your BER. 

1. Insulate 

Insulation, or lack thereof, can be responsible for about 30% of your home’s heat escaping through the walls, and another 30% escaping through the roof. By installing sufficient insulation, your home will become much more sustainable, as well as reducing the costs of your heating bill, and helping you achieve a better BER. 

It is a big undertaking, but there are a number of grants available to insulate your home. 

2. Switch your bulbs out

Small changes can go a long way. Replace the bulbs in your home with energy efficient alternatives. This will reduce your bills, and make your home more energy efficient. 

3. Check your boiler 

If your boiler doesn’t have a lagging jacket, it’s time to invest in one. By insulating your hot water system you’ll be ensuring your water stays warmer for longer, saving you money. 

4. Replace or seal your windows 

 If you’re in a position to do so, replacing old windows that have insufficient glazing is the best way to ensure heat isn’t escaping your home. If you can’t replace your windows, sealing them with draught stripping can also be a big help. 

5. Use your timer

There’s no point in heating an empty space. Take advantage of the timer on your heating and only heat your home when you’re going to be there.

Thinking Of Selling Your Home?

Thinking of selling your home? Leonard Wilson Keenan is one of North Dublin’s most trusted real estate agents. Contact us today at LWK and a member of staff will be happy to help in any way we can!


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